Saturday, February 2, 2008

Wasting Time & Candy

The title of this post has something I hate and something I love... I don't love wasting time. In fact, I HATE it so much that it makes me mad. There are only so many hours in a day and I have enough ideas and work to fill a day countless times so when I lose time..... EEK! I just spent what must have been an hour trying to make my Flickr badge. Now, it is pretty simple. Just follow the steps. However, when I put in the tag for the photos I wanted the badge to use, it says there are no such photos. Nope, wrong, there are hundreds of photos with the tag Polaroid in my Flickr. Then, I think I will use the public sets open, but it will only let me select from four of my sets, which are TOTALLY NOT the sets I wanted to use. Three of them contain lots of nudity and the other set is not a Polaroid set but a set for a group I started for photographs of stickers which are NOT for my portfolio, just for fun, but don't look good on my blog as a badge because the stickers are really small so the photos look strange.... urgh! I know EXACTLY what I want to do, just spent an hour experiments and searching forums, but I have ended up with a nudy badge I hate, not because I hate nudity, I love nudity, but I didn't want every image that ever shows up on my badge to be nudity. So frustrating...

Luckily, I have been doing this while eating these amazing gummy bear like gum drops that I bought in Guanajuato, Mexico, a couple weeks ago. I was there teaching a digital travel photography course (more on this soon, I SHOULD have been editing photos from the trip while I was "playing" on Flickr). These candies are the only thing keeping me from quitting. Although half way through eating them I did pause and regret the fact that I had not photographed them first. The colors are so pretty and now there are not enough of them left for a photo. Oh well, I will keep on eating.

I had grand plans for my post tonight but now I have just complained about Flickr and praised candy. C'est la vie... It's 1 AM, time to sleep. Here is a candy image...

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