Sunday, December 21, 2008

Lost Without My Purse and The Winter Solstice

Forgot my purse at work last night. I work two days a week at my friend's children's boutique since I can bring my 2 1/2 year old to work with me. It is FREEZING cold here, was probably -30C when I left, so of course I just ran out the door, strapped Quin in her seat, and drove off. Urgh! Now I have no wallet, so no money, cards, checkbook, no point and shoot camera, and no cell phone. All I wanted to accomplish today was uploading the rest of the photographs from our trip to see my family in Minneapolis. I already uploaded off my big camera so just had the little one to go. Bummer. Always gives me that sinking feeling when I realize my purse is missing.

On a more positive note, today is the winter solstice! At 5:04 AM, the sun stood still, hung in mid air for a moment, then swung back, so now those of use in the North will see longer days. Yippee!! Although, I must admit, I have never disliked the darkness of winter. I feel it makes it easier to hunker down next to the fire and get cozy when it is dark outside. Of course, I generally don't roll out of bed until after 8:30 AM, so I can feel for those people who have to start their day in the dark.

Happy Solstice :)

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