Quin, my daughter, likes to make the birthday gifts that she gives to her friends. I used to be somewhat unsure about giving handmade gifts at a birthday party but I have since learned that most of my friends and their children really appreciate them. I know that my kids have more toys than they know what to do with, so it is always nice when they receive something unique and made just with them in mind. One of our standbys is play dough. What kids doesn't love it? Some moms that I know don't like it, because it can be "messy" when it dries up but you can always use it outdoors. You can find my recipe here. Crayon cakes are another favorite which you can find out how to make here. For more ideas you can look for the label "gifts you can make" on the right hand side of my blog, midway down...
Recently, Quin went to the party of a fellow preschool classmate and we wanted to make him something different. We decided that a four year old boy would probably like the idea of foaming monster puke bubble bath. Quin herself loved the idea. I found the recipe on Craftbits.com. I liked that the ingredients could be customized to our liking and the the ingredients were mostly natural. In the end, when Quin tried our bubble bath, it was not very foamy but did make the bath tub a nice green. I think it is because I used hand soap as my liquid soap when I should have used liquid dish washing soap.
Monster Puke Bubble Bath
Originally on Craftbits
1 cup of Olive oil
1/2 cup of Liquid soap (dish washing soap)
1/4 cup of Honey
1/2 tsp of Green food coloring
1 tbs of Peppermint fragrance or extract (I used peppermint essential oil so I used 1/2 teaspoon plus a few drops. I just wanted enough for a good scent.)
Mix all the ingredients together. We put ours in a recycled plastic peanut butter jar and had more than enough leftover for our own test run in the bath. We made a paper label to go over the PB label, put on some monster stickers, then attached a circle of recycled fabric and a plastic monster toy to the lid with hemp cord. Voila!
It was a hit with the recipient :)
this looks so cool!! I know what my nephew is getting for his birthday this year!!
This is adorable!
PS... I'm a Glee fan (er Gleek) and your daughter's name and the gift really made me smile :)
Gonna go find some green food coloring now.
I was searching the internet for a cool birthday gift for a 5 year old boy. I just made the recipe you gave (with dish soap)... Then I wondered... wouldn't it be easier, faster and cheaper to buy some Bubble bath and just transfer it in a personalized jar (with a monster puke tag)? The dish soap isn't making that many bubbles either as far as I've seen. When my kids get back from school I will try it with them, with a lot more monster puke, maybe that will work out. For the birthday present I will probably go for regular Bubble bath in a home-made container. Thanks for the great idea!
Thank you all so much for your comments. I am sorry for the late reply. MYN, that is certainly one way you could go. All the kids I have given this to have actually been most impressed with how it turned the bath water green and they didn't mind the lack of bubbles. The reason I used the recipe I did was that I like to use things that are natural, and actually most natural shampoos, liquid soaps, and bubble baths are not as bubbly as the more toxic ones. Anyway, your idea is perfect if you want loads of bubbles and your child is not sensitive.
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