Thursday, October 30, 2008

Recycled Art After School Program

I have been having a great time visiting the Banff After School Program on Monday's to teach Recycled Art to the students. There are usually 10-12 students aged 6-12 years old. It is a good mix of boys and girls and everyone is very enthusiast about the projects. I plan to post about it each week now that I am not so crazy busy but I will post about the last two projects here because I am bit behind. I am going to work with the program coordinator, Cheryl, to create a manual of our projects that can be used by other programs.

A few weeks ago we had a bunch of cardboard egg cartons to use up so I decided to have the kids make some little men sleeping in bed. Think The Seven Dwarves but we only made three.

And actually they turned out to be mice, ninjas, and every other little character the kids could think of. Very fun! You can see the instructions for this project here. It is one of many projects created by Alberta Egg Producers. In addition to using up egg cartons we put to use fabric remnants from old decorator books that were given to me by an interior design shop.

This week, since it is the week of Halloween, we made spider web paintings. I saw this once on a program called Mr. Maker, which my daughter watches, and I watch with just as much interest as she does. The show is made in the UK. Check out the website which has projects. For this project we used scrap matboard, which we put into a shallow metal tray. The kids picked a paint color, we used tempera, and I squirted a good sized circle of it in the middle of the matboard. Then, the kids took a marble and stuck it in the paint, then moving the tray back and forth and round and round, the marble rolled through the paint, leaving paint trails that made up a "web". While the web dried, the kids made spiders out of colored paper, markers, and googly eyes.


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