Thursday, June 5, 2008

What a GREAT Day!

I got so much accomplished. And the nice part that was QQ was here all day. I usually have a difficult time getting much done when it is just her and I, but she is a bit over two, and starting to be interested in her own things for little pockets of time, which gives me more time. I just hope she doesn't stop napping anytime soon.

Today I was able to work on some custom pendants for a fellow photographer. Then, I wrote an article for JPG Magazine, which I uploaded to their site. I am truly hoping that they will feature it in their print magazine, in the issue where they will be featuring Polaroid portraits. Here it is: It is about my series Human/Nature.

The icing on the cake was that I was able to attend a lecture tonight at the Whyte Museum. There were two speakers, Lauren Wheeler of Carleton University presented Imaging Place in Winter: Photographic Albums and Growing Up in Banff, Alberta in the 1920's and Parks Canada's Kathy Rettie presented Studying People in Mountain National Parks. I was interested in going because I hope to write for several grants, including one from the Banff Centre's Mountain Cultures Program, to do a documentary on Seniors in Banff who grew up here and continue to live here. The lectures were both interesting and educational. I like to go and listen to others speak about projects that are similar to ones I am working on because sometimes I am better able to put into words what I am trying to do by listening to someone else speak eloquently about their work. I find that to be one of the most difficult parts of my work. One thing is for sure, I feel blessed to live in Banff, a place rich in history and its own unique mountain culture.

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